Thursday, July 16, 2009

The very latest in stupidity

I debated leaving a typo in the title, cause that's what it is all about. The pinnacle of stupidity in this modern age is a lack of proof-reading. I am an extremely fast "hunt and pecker" on the keyboard and I am also too impatient to read every single word I have written after I go off on a rant much like this one. Many of you have gotten from me in an email or IM the word 'teh' when I meant to type 'the' or 'god' for 'good'. Some one recently asked me via IM how I was and I replied, "I am god"(for the sake of clarification, I am not god).

My latest typo not caught due to my impatience and the lack of my spell-check's mind reading capability came in a cover letter I typed and sent a few days ago. I went back into it this morning to massage it for yet another prospective employer and fell off my own chair laughing. Not hearing from the company now made so much sense.

The company is Google. Known for only being interested in people with a GPA of 5.0 or better out of one of maybe 5 or 10 schools in the universe (I do not meet both of those qualifications). I had heard that they were loosening up and that their fresh out of college cadre of employees are willing to look beyond the academics and open their minds up to the idea that not everyone can afford to go to Stanford or MIT no matter how smart they are. And that right-brainers can be just as intelligent as left-brainers and it still won't be evidenced in their academic record. I can agree that the worst thing that ever happened to championing the cause of non-academic achievement was the election and subsequent presidency of George W Bush, but he is just one guy - don't lump us all in with him please.

So understanding that my resume and cover letter might pass through the hands of one of these academic elitists I had to make sure it was letter perfect. But my own eyes deceived me and as I said mind-reader check was disabled and in my letter I said....

get ready for it....

"I have been huge fan and user of goggle products..."

I have decided to resend the cover the Speedo company.

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